Wir werfen einen ersten Blick das Brettspiel Roots of Mali und erklären die Regeln sowie die Anleitung. Die Kickstarter-Kampagne zum Spiel findet ihr unter https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/9317481/roots-of-mali.
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Englische Kurzbeschreibung
Each player takes on the role of the forest tribe in the fight for the sole domination of the Warlands. Through tactical use and clever movement of your own army you can outwit and defeat opposing creatures. In Roots of Malithe players have several standard actions. A tribe contains six creatures of various power levels and individual skills. By vanquishing an opposing creature you gain victory points equal to the creature‘s power level. The first player to collect 10 victory points wins. This is achieved by tactically moving creatures and exercising their special powers to outwit your opponent, eliminating his character dice from the board, the Warring Lands.
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