Race to Berlin (Spiel) / Anleitung & Rezension / SpieLama

Wir rezensieren das Spiel Race to Berlin. Fotos findet Ihr unter https://gesellschaftsspiele.spielen.de/messeneuheiten/race-to-berlin/. Kanal abonnieren: rel=“nofollow“>https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe0yPiCNRV0bXv0m0dubuNA?sub_confirmation=1.

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Englische Kurzbeschreibung
Race to Berlin game portrays the last months of World War II in Europe. In the West, after the landing in Normandy and forcing German troops to withdraw from France, the armies of the Western Allies stand over the borders of the Reich, being ready to get across Rhine. In the East, mighty Red Army preparing itself to final offensive, which goal is the capital of Nazi Germany, Berlin. Both Allies are set for the race to ultimate victory.

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