Earth Reborn (Brettspiel) / Anleitung & Rezension / SpieLama

Wir testen das Spiel „Earth Reborn“ von Christophe Boelinger (Ludically/Z-Man Games) und erklären die Regeln sowie die Spielanleitung.

Englische Kurzbeschreibung
2065, the Earth is devastated by a global war. The political tensions and environmental collapse of the early 21st century, having never been resolved, led the world to an Apocalypse and forced the surviving populations to relocate to vast underground cities. These ‚factions‘ live in isolation for nearly five centuries, evolving independently and with no outside contact. There, each develops the culture and knowledge they took along with them. Generation after generation, the survivors wait patiently while the planet recovers from the horrors inflicted on it by human civilization, hoping that Nature will give Man another chance to surface again and rediscover an Earth Reborn.

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