Wir rezensieren das abstrakte Brettspiel Circular Reasoning und erklären die Regeln sowie die Anleitung. Es ist von Tomer Braff, Edward Stevenson (Breaking Games). Fotos sowie die Spielanleitung findet Ihr unter http://gesellschaftsspiele.spielen.de/alle-brettspiele/circular-reasoning/, weitere Informationen in der Videobeschreibung.
Englische Kurzbeschreibung
Circular Reasoning is an abstract strategy game developed by two students at the University of Texas at Dallas, Tomer Braff and Edward Stevenson, under the name „Giant Shoulder Productions“. After being featured at IndieCade 2014, Circular Reasoning was then picked up by Ad Magic and is now being published under Breaking Games. The board consists of a goal in the center and three concentric tracks of 16 spaces each. Each track has a gate to the next level, but the gates rotate around the board according to the number of tokens found in each level.
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