Fabian zeigt das Spiel „Zombicide“ und erklärt die Regeln sowie die Spielanleitung. Das Spiel ist von Raphaël Guiton, Jean-Baptiste Lullien und Nicolas Raoult (Asmodee, Cool Mini Or Not). Reupload, da wir unseren Kanal-SpieLama-Spielwiese geschlossen haben.
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Englische Kurzbeschreibung des Verlags
Zombicide is a collaborative game for 1 to 6 players, for 13 years old and up. A game lasts for 20 minutes (beginner board) to 3 hours (expert board). Each player controls from one (for 6 players) to four (solo game) ’survivors‘, human beings in a zombie-infested town. In fact, ’survivors‘ hastily change to ‚hunters‘ to smash zombies through and through. However, the team must constantly keep the balance between survival and slaughter: as the zombicide’s going on, the ‚Danger level‘ is going up and infected are growing in numbers. Any misstep can turn to disaster.
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? spielen.de: http://gesellschaftsspiele.spielen.de
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