Wir testen „Camp Roskilde“, ein Spiel von Morten Jaeger, Morten Greis Petersen, Bo Thomasen und Andreas Lieberoth Wadum (Roskilde Festival). Das Brettspiel ist das offizielle Spiel zum Musikfestival „Roskilde Festival“ in Dänemark.
Englische Kurzbeschreibung
In „Camp Roskilde“, the players set up their camps next to one another as they start attracting cool and crazy people from the festival grounds. Having the best camp is all about getting the right vibe — „that special something“ — generated by the people in the camp. Will this year have a green hippie vibe, a black metal vibe, a red crazy vibe or a blue sophisticated vibe to it? Or perhaps the right mix of all of the above?
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